Spreuk van de Maand

Spreuk van de Maand

zondag 8 januari 2012

Postcard Challenge 1

Opeens lijkt het wel of iedereen mee doet met de uitdaging van Darcy
en ik dacht eerst dat zo'n wekelijkse uitdaging toch niets voor mij was
maar mijn onderbewuste dacht er anders over en ik werd 's nachts wakker 
van mijn twee karakters, wie ze waren en hoe ze elkaar ontmoet hadden! :)
Omdat dit een Engelse challenge is heb ik hem in het Engels uitgewerkt,
het is geen doen om alles te vertalen nu.
Maar in het kort komt het er op neer dat ik elke week een ansichtkaart maak en verstuur vanuit een ander land. Dat land wordt op maandags bekend gemaakt op Darcy's blog.
Ik kijk er naar uit!


Suddenly it seems everyone took Darcy's challenge
and I really thought a weekly challenge was not my thing
but I woke up in the middle of the night
thinking of my two characters, who they were and where they met! :)

Here's my story so far:

    They meet on a rainy night at the cinema in Amsterdam. Emily is weaving in pink dreads since there’s  not one soul on the street. She knows she’s supposed to be sitting there smiling like the cinema has the busiest night of the century but in fact she sold no ticket and didn’t even turn on the popcorn machine…
She’s startled when she sees a big head of dark curls popping up at the window and when she looks up she’s looking into the brightest blue eyes she has ever seen before. The man is talking to her but she doesn’t hear a word of what he says. Once she shakes her head she understands he wants to know if there’s anything worth seeing  tonight.
The only thing that pops up in her mind is her room at the inn but that’s probably not what he meant . She points at the board at her left side with the schedule and lets him know her favorite of the night. After only a few seconds he buys a ticket and thanks her for her help and is off to watch… Rio.
Oh my gosh, she thinks. What did I do? How can I send the cutest guy on earth to Rio?
Right then and there she decides she will be in the private room when the film ends!
When she comes back there’s a card in her booth reading:

Mr. B. Mulder
Blokdijk 38
1028XS Holysloot

With a note on the back:
Thank you for your advice. I haven’t laughed so much in years. The film is colorful and fun just like you. Write me when you hear of another great one!

Oh, how she would like to write to him, but she has only  two more nights to work here and then there’s enough money to travel to Austria… 

Emily is a 24yo self-declared Freestyle artist who takes any job for just as long as needed to travel some more. She’s outgoing, colorful and homeless by choice. Her one word to live by is Freedom, in every sense of the word. Who needs roots, right?
Her postcard is inspired by Austrian artist Hundertwasser.

The back reads:
Oh well, I couldn't resist leaving you a note too. You left your card in my booth asking for advice but as you can see I'm travelling again and no longer work at the cinema.
As for advice, I'd say: Loosen up!
Life is fun! Laugh more! It's pretty sad to need a film like Rio to laugh again...
You shouldn't take life so serious!

And now I'm off to create a book to keep all those lovely cards in! :)